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단어 색칠하기 & 단어강조

by 호야호잇 2018. 3. 28.

 Private Sub 단어색칠하기(ByVal 검색어 As String, ByVal 변경할단어 As String, ByVal 색상 As Color)

        On Error Resume Next

        With RichTextBox6

            .SelectionStart = .Text.IndexOf(검색어, 2)

            .SelectionLength = 검색어.Length

            .SelectionColor = 색상

            .SelectionFont = New Font("맑은 고딕", 10, FontStyle.Bold)

            .SelectedText = 변경할단어

        End With

    End Sub


 Private Sub 단어강조(ByVal 검색어 As String)

        On Error Resume Next

        With RichTextBox6

            .SelectionStart = .Text.IndexOf(검색어, 0)

            .SelectionLength = 검색어.Length

            RichTextBox1.SelectionFont = New Font("맑은 고딕", 10, FontStyle.Bold)

        End With

    End Sub