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Key입력(VirtureKey and HardwareKey) [사용법] InputHelper.PressKey(Keys.Escape, False) InputHelper.PressKey(Keys.Escape, True) [라이브러리 코드] Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public NotInheritable Class InputHelper Private Sub New() End Sub #Region "Methods" #Region "PressKey()" ''' ''' Virtually presses a key. ''' ''' The key to press. ''' Whether or not to press the key using its hardware scan code. ''' Public Shared Sub PressKey(.. 2021. 3. 31.
Windows 암호정책 확인하는 Class (VB 버전) Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.Linq Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports System.Security.Principal Imports System.Text Imports System.Threading.Tasks Public Class Sam_Class Partial Public Class SamServer : Implements IDisposable Private _handle As IntPtr Public Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal access As SERVER_ACCESS_MA.. 2020. 12. 1.
이벤트 Retry(재시도) 로직 - 문자발송 포함 Imports System.IO '====================================================== '' '====================================================== Module ReTry_Module ''' ''' RetryCount 이용하여 재시도 횟수 지정하고, WorkAction 이용하여 수행 할 동작을 설정함, 재시도 실패 시 문자 발송 ''' ''' 재시도 횟수 ''' 시도할 동작 ''' 사용예제 : RepeatCall(3, Function() Call_Action(True)) ''' Function Call_Action(T .. 2020. 9. 28.
윤달 체크 로직 '윤달 체크 로직 Dim Add_Day_YoonDal As Integer Private Sub Calc_YoonDal() Dim Chk_IsLeapYear As Boolean = Date.IsLeapYear(Now.Year) Dim Chk_IsLeapYear_Add1Year As Boolean = Date.IsLeapYear(Now.AddYears(1).Year) Dim Chk_IsLeapYear_Minus1Year As Boolean = Date.IsLeapYear(Now.AddYears(-1).Year) If Chk_IsLeapYear = True Or Chk_IsLeapYear_Add1Year = True Or Chk_IsLeapYear_Minus1Year = True Then Add_Day_Yoo.. 2020. 9. 28.